Dynamic Web Solutions Free Internet Tutorials
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Use the links to the left to select your tutorial. These Internet tutorials are revised, improved and amended periodically. Please bookmark this page for easy return.
These tutorials are aimed at giving basic terminology and trouble shooting information to new and intermediate Internet users. Internet and telephony technologies are evolving and crossing over very quickly and for this reason these tutorials will be updated as regularly as possible.
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The information in these Internet tutorials is provided free of charge. To help pay for the production and up keep of this section Google Ads (below left hand menu) and Amazon book recommendations (amongst relevant text) have been added. These ads are context specific and if you notice one you feel is of value, please click it and follow the link.
Your feedback is valued. If there is a topic you feel should be elaborated or added, please email the author your suggestions.
"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I have never been able to search the internet and find a site that was so helpful. No pop ups, no garbage. Just plain info. You are in my favourites list and if I could ever push business your way - I certainly will.
Thanks for an easy smart HELPFUL site.
You are great!!!!!!
Thanks for making my week."
Kris Zyskowski
Maple Grove, MN
I teach a High School computer literacy class that covers an intro to the Internet. This means I am always on the lookout for tutorials that a novice can understand. Your site offers the best tutorial I've seen! You've managed to explain some complicated material in a very understandable manner.
So this is a big thank-you to your writers!
Do you perhaps know of any video's to compliment this tutorial?
Have a great day! And thanks again for what you do,
Therese Williams
Massachusetts USA
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At times, suggestions, comments and opinions are given by the author. The use a reader makes of the information provided in these tutorials is the reader's sole responsibility.
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